API Documentation

Category Description

Lists Option series with two or more Option Strike Codes defining the same strike price (Strike Code Collision).

Category Identification

pNxCoreMessage->coreData.Category.pnxStringCategory->Atom 40
pNxCoreMessage->coreData.Category.pnxStringCategory->String OptionMultipleStrikeCodes

Update Time and Frequency

Approximate Time Info
02:30 AM Information from previous session
No Updates No updates throughout the day

Category Fields | 20

Index FieldName FieldType C Code Info
0 StrikePrice NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[0].data.i32Bit The strike price (3 decimal places) found in multiple strike codes
1 EntryCount NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[1].data.i32Bit Number of set entries
2 ExpireMonths NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[2].data.i32Bit Multiple set bits identifying Expiration Months (bit 0=Jan, bit 1=Feb, bit 11=Dec)
3 StrikeChar NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[3].data.i32Bit Strike code matching StrikePrice
4 ExpireMonths NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[4].data.i32Bit Multiple set bits identifying Expiration Months (bit 0=Jan, bit 1=Feb, bit 11=Dec)
5 StrikeChar NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[5].data.i32Bit (Next 1) Strike code matching StrikePrice
6 ExpireMonths NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[6].data.i32Bit Multiple set bits identifying Expiration Months (bit 0=Jan, bit 1=Feb, bit 11=Dec)
7 StrikeChar NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[7].data.i32Bit (Next 2) Strike code matching StrikePrice
8 ExpireMonths NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[8].data.i32Bit Multiple set bits identifying Expiration Months (bit 0=Jan, bit 1=Feb, bit 11=Dec)
9 StrikeChar NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[9].data.i32Bit (Next 3) Strike code matching StrikePrice
10 ExpireMonths NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[10].data.i32Bit Multiple set bits identifying Expiration Months (bit 0=Jan, bit 1=Feb, bit 11=Dec)
11 StrikeChar NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[11].data.i32Bit (Next 4) Strike code matching StrikePrice
12 ExpireMonths NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[12].data.i32Bit Multiple set bits identifying Expiration Months (bit 0=Jan, bit 1=Feb, bit 11=Dec)
13 StrikeChar NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[13].data.i32Bit (Next 5) Strike code matching StrikePrice
14 ExpireMonths NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[14].data.i32Bit Multiple set bits identifying Expiration Months (bit 0=Jan, bit 1=Feb, bit 11=Dec)
15 StrikeChar NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[15].data.i32Bit (Next 6) Strike code matching StrikePrice
16 ExpireMonths NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[16].data.i32Bit Multiple set bits identifying Expiration Months (bit 0=Jan, bit 1=Feb, bit 11=Dec)
17 StrikeChar NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[17].data.i32Bit (Next 7) Strike code matching StrikePrice
18 ExpireMonths NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[18].data.i32Bit Multiple set bits identifying Expiration Months (bit 0=Jan, bit 1=Feb, bit 11=Dec)
19 StrikeChar NxCFT_32BIT pnxFields[19].data.i32Bit (Next 8) Strike code matching StrikePrice

Code Sample from CategoryDumper project:

void onNxCoreCategory_40(const NxCoreMessage *pNxCoreMsg)
     NxCategoryField *pField;
     int Count=0;
     int i=2;
     // Print the category num and the Symbol
     if (pField->Set)			 
         printf("Strike Price: %0.3f \n",((double) pField->data.i32Bit / 1000.0));
     if (pField->Set)			 
         printf("Entry Count: %d \n",pField->data.i32Bit);     
     // Category 40 may contain up to (Entry Count) unique data points.     
     // Each data point contain the expiration months and strike char.
     for (int n=0;n<Count;n++)
         if (pField->Set)			 
             printf("Expire Months: %d \n",pField->data.i32Bit);
         if (pField->Set)			 
             printf("Strike Char: %d \n",pField->data.i32Bit);