API Documentation


Creates a NxCore Tape "Bookmark" that NxCoreAPI can use as a starting point.

    #define cszNxCoreSaveState "sNxCoreSaveState"
    typedef int (__stdcall *NxCoreSaveState) (const char* szStateFilename, unsigned int controlFlags);
    int SaveState(
        const char*                     szStateFilename,
        unsigned int                    controlFlags


#define Value Comments
NxSAVESTATE_GRADUALLY 0 Save completes in multiple passes - NxCore writes out memory block to file in 1MB increments.
NxSAVESTATE_ONEPASS 1 Save completes in one pass - NxCore writes out entire memory block to file at one time.
NxSAVESTATE_CANCEL 2 Abort a scheduled Save State -- can be done at NxCSSAVESTATE_CAPTURE time

Return Value

#define Value Comments
NxAPIERR_NO_ERROR 0 The function has succeeded and the state file will be saved.
NxAPIERR_SAVE_STATE_IN_PROGRESS -12 NxCoreSaveState has previously been called and the state file is still being processing.
Only one state file may be generated in a single instance. A new state file can be saved once
the "NxCSSAVESTATE_COMPLETE" message has been received in the ProcessTape callback (for the previously saved state file).


For example of this function see here