Example (code and executable here)
A more complex example of a way to use a text file to both map NxCore symbols to other symbol sets, and to use the file as a filter. The file is reread for changes once-per-tape-minute.
Parameters are a tape and an input file looking like this:
# Put NxCore symbols on left of equals sign, # symbols you want to be sent on right side. # If no equal sign exists, symbol on left will be used eGOOG = GOOG eAAPL = AAPL eIBM = IBM #GS is sent out as eGS eGS fZW.Z09 = ZW Z9 fZC.N10 = ZC N0 # since for options we build our own NxCore symbol name, options uses this format oIBM.CQ = IBMCQ