Removes a permission ID from being processed from the tape
typedef int(__stdcall *NxCoreExcludeOpraExch) (int); #define cszNxCoreExcludeOpraExch "sNxCoreExcludeOpraExch" int ExcludeOpraExch(int removeID);
This key is a bitwise OR combination of a control flag and a permission ID. The control flag to remove a permission ID is NxPERMID_REMOVE(0x00100000) A list permission IDs can be found in the NxST_PERMID string table.
Return Value
Returns one of the following values
#define in NxCoreAPI.h | Int | Description |
NxAPIERR_NO_ERROR | 0 | The operation was completed succesfully |
1 | The permission table has not been loaded or the permission is invalid | |
NxAPIERR_NOT_CALLBACK_THREAD | -1 | Function was called from thread other than callback thread |
NxAPIERR_BAD_PARAMETERS | -2 | removeKey value was invalid |
Proper use
To avoid tape errors, this function should not be used to split individual symbols. So, if a symbol comes under more than one permission ID, then you can either remove none or all of those permission ID.
Here's an example of how to process CTA and UTP on separate threads. This example utilizes NxCoreTableHelper.h.
#include <stdio.h> #include <vector> #include <thread> #include <iomanip> #include <NxCoreAPI_Wrapper_C++.h> #include "NxCoreTableHelper.h" struct ThreadData { int threadNum; std::vector<int> permissions; bool removed = false; }; #define MAXID 128 NxCoreClass NxCore; thread_local ThreadData myThreadData; void onNxCoreStatus(const NxCoreSystem* pNxCoreSys, const NxCoreMessage* pNxCoreMsg) { //Print time if (pNxCoreSys->ClockUpdateInterval >= NxCLOCK_MINUTE && pNxCoreSys->nxTime.Hour < 24) { cout.fill('0'); cout << "Thread: " << myThreadData.threadNum << " NxCoreTime: " << setw(2) << (int)pNxCoreSys->nxTime.Hour << ":" << setw(2) << (int)pNxCoreSys->nxTime.Minute << ":" << setw(2) << (int)pNxCoreSys->nxTime.Second << endl; } //Log Errors. Errors NxCA_EXCEPTION_OPTSYMBOL(10) and NxCA_EXCEPTION_SYMBOL(11) indicate //a permission was removed that shouldn't be. See Proper Use section for more details. if (pNxCoreSys->Status == NxCORESTATUS_ERROR) cout << "Tape Error: " << pNxCoreSys->StatusData << " on thread " << myThreadData.threadNum << endl; //Remove unwanted permissions if (!myThreadData.removed) { for (int perm = 1; perm < MAXID; ++perm) { if (std::find(myThreadData.permissions.begin(), myThreadData.permissions.end(), perm) != myThreadData.permissions.end())// this permission should be processed on this thread, so do not remove continue; int removeKey = NxPERMID_REMOVE | perm; int result = NxCore.ExcludeOpraExch(removeKey); if (result != 0) {//non-zero result indicates failure if (result == -1) cout << "Function was called from thread other than callback thread" << endl; if (result == -2) cout << "removeKey value was invalid" << endl; return;// could not remove permission during this status message. Try again next status message. } } //successfully removed all permissions myThreadData.removed = true; } } int __stdcall nxCoreCallback(const NxCoreSystem* pNxCoreSys, const NxCoreMessage* pNxCoreMsg) { switch (pNxCoreMsg->MessageType) { case NxMSG_STATUS: onNxCoreStatus(pNxCoreSys, pNxCoreMsg); break; } return NxCALLBACKRETURN_CONTINUE; } void thProcess(const char* tapepath, int threadNum, std::vector<int> permissions) { //save thread information to thread_local object to be used during callback myThreadData.permissions = permissions; myThreadData.threadNum = threadNum; int returnValue = NxCore.ProcessTape(tapepath, 0, NxCF_EXCLUDE_CRC_CHECK, 0, (NxCoreCallback)nxCoreCallback); cout << "Thread " << threadNum << " completed: Status follows..." << endl; NxCore.ProcessReturnValue(returnValue); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (NxCore.LoadNxCore("NxCoreAPI64.dll")) { std::vector<std::thread> threads; //Create CTA feed thread threads.push_back(std::thread(thProcess, argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "", 0, std::vector<int>{nxST_PERMID::NYSEQTE, nxST_PERMID::AMEXQTE, nxST_PERMID::NYSETRD, nxST_PERMID::AMEXTRD, nxST_PERMID::NYSECORP, nxST_PERMID::AMEXCORP} )); //Create UTP feed thread threads.push_back(std::thread(thProcess, argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "", 1, std::vector<int>{nxST_PERMID::NASDQTE, nxST_PERMID::NASDTRD} )); //Wait for threads to finish for (std::thread& thread : threads) thread.join(); // Unload NxCore DLL NxCore.UnloadNxCore(); } else { cout << "loading library failed" << endl; return -1; } return 0; } |
import java.util.*; import net.nanex.NxCoreClass; class ExcludeOpraExchSample { public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException { Thread[] threads = { //create CTA feed thread //permissions: NYSEQTE(13), AMEXQTE(14), NYSETRD(17), AMEXTRD(18), NYSECORP(90), AMEXCORP(91) new Thread(new NxCoreThread(args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "", 1, Arrays.asList(13, 14, 17, 18, 90, 91))), //create UTP feed thread //permissions: NASDQTE(6), NASDTRD(9) new Thread(new NxCoreThread(args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "", 2, Arrays.asList(1, 6, 9))) }; for(Thread thread : threads) thread.start(); for(Thread thread : threads) thread.join(); } } class NxCoreThread extends NxCoreClass implements Runnable { private String tapepath; private int threadNum; private List<Integer> permissions; private boolean removed = false; private final int MAXID = 128; public NxCoreThread(String tapePath, int threadNum, List<Integer> permissions) { this.tapepath = tapePath; this.threadNum = threadNum; this.permissions = permissions; } public void run() { if(LoadNxCore("NxCoreAPI64.dll") != 0){ int returnValue = ProcessTape(tapepath, 0, defines.NxCF_EXCLUDE_CRC_CHECK, 0); ProcessReturnValue(returnValue); } else System.out.println("loading library failed"); } void onNxCoreStatus( NxCoreSystem nxCoreSys, NxCoreMessage nxCoreMsg) { //Print time if (nxCoreSys.ClockUpdateInterval >= defines.NxCLOCK_MINUTE && nxCoreSys.nxTime.Hour < 24) { System.out.println(String.format("Thread: %d NxCoreTime: %02d:%02d:%02d", threadNum, nxCoreSys.nxTime.Hour, nxCoreSys.nxTime.Minute, nxCoreSys.nxTime.Second)); } //Log Errors. Errors NxCA_EXCEPTION_OPTSYMBOL(10) and NxCA_EXCEPTION_SYMBOL(11) indicate //a permission was removed that shouldn't be. See Proper Use section for more details. if (nxCoreSys.Status == defines.NxCORESTATUS_ERROR) System.out.println("Tape Error: " + nxCoreSys.StatusData + " on thread " + threadNum); //Remove unwanted permissions if (!removed) { for (int perm = 1; perm < MAXID;perm ++) { if (permissions.contains(perm))// this permission should be processed on this thread, so do not remove continue; int removeKey = defines.NxPERMID_REMOVE | perm; int result = ExcludeOpraExch(removeKey); if (result != 0) {//non-zero result indicates failure if (result == -1) System.out.println("Function was called from thread other than callback thread"); if (result == -2) System.out.println("removeKey value was invalid"); return;// could not remove permission during this status message. Try again next status message. } } //Successfully removed unwanted permissions removed = true; } } @Override public int OnNxCoreCallback( NxCoreSystem nxCoreSys, NxCoreMessage nxCoreMsg) { if (nxCoreMsg.MessageType == defines.NxMSG_STATUS) onNxCoreStatus(nxCoreSys, nxCoreMsg); return defines.NxCALLBACKRETURN_CONTINUE; } } |
import NxCore from multiprocessing import Process tapePath = "" MAXID = 128 #Process varibles permissions = set() removed = False threadNum = 0 def onNxCoreStatus(NxCoreSys, NxCoreMsg): #Print time if NxCoreSys.ClockUpdateInterval >= NxCore.NxCLOCK_MINUTE and NxCoreSys.nxTime.Hour < 24: print("Thread: {} NxCoreTime: {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format( threadNum, NxCoreSys.nxTime.Hour, NxCoreSys.nxTime.Minute, NxCoreSys.nxTime.Second)) #Log Errors. Errors NxCA_EXCEPTION_OPTSYMBOL(10) and NxCA_EXCEPTION_SYMBOL(11) indicate #a permission was removed that shouldn't be. See Proper Use section for more details. if NxCoreSys.Status == NxCore.NxCORESTATUS_ERROR: print("Tape Error: {} on thread {}".format(NxCoreSys.StatusData, threadNum)) #Remove unwanted permissions global removed if not removed: print(permissions) for perm in range(1, MAXID): if perm in permissions:# this permission should be processed on this thread, so do not remove continue removeKey = NxCore.NxPERMID_REMOVE | perm result = NxCore.ExcludeOpraExch(removeKey) if result != 0:#non-zero result indicates failure if result == -1: print("Function was called from thread other than callback thread") if result == -2: print("removeKey value was invalid") return# could not remove permission during this status message. Try again next status message. #Successfully removed unwanted permissions removed = True def OnNxCoreCallback(NxCoreSys, NxCoreMsg): if NxCoreMsg.MessageType == NxCore.NxMSG_STATUS: onNxCoreStatus(NxCoreSys, NxCoreMsg) return NxCore.NxCALLBACKRETURN_CONTINUE def NxCoreThread(permissionList, threadNumber): #set variables specific to this process global permissions global threadNum permissions = set(permissionList) threadNum = threadNumber #start processing NxCore Tape if NxCore.LoadNxCore("NxCoreAPI64.dll"): returnValue = NxCore.ProcessTape(tapePath, 0, NxCore.NxCF_EXCLUDE_CRC_CHECK, 0, OnNxCoreCallback) ProcessReturnValue(returnValue) else: print("loading library failed") if __name__ == "__main__": threads = [] #create CTA feed thread #permissions: NYSEQTE(13), AMEXQTE(14), NYSETRD(17), AMEXTRD(18), NYSECORP(90), AMEXCORP(91) threads.append(Process(target=NxCoreThread, args=([13, 14, 17, 18, 90, 91],1 ))) #create UTP feed thread #permissions: NASDQTE(6), NASDTRD(9) threads.append(Process(target=NxCoreThread, args=([6,9],2 ))) for thread in threads: thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() |